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Registering PHP objects and functions

Before a PHP class or function can be called from javascript, it must first be registered. The register() function of Jaxon is used for that purpose.

Registering a class instance

An object is registered with Jaxon by calling the register() function with the Jaxon::CALLABLE_OBJECT parameter.

use Jaxon\Jaxon;
use Jaxon\Response\Response;

class HelloWorld
    public function sayHello($isCaps)
        $response = new Response();
        $text = ($isCaps) ? 'HELLO WORLD!' : 'Hello World!';
        $response->assign('div2', 'innerHTML', $text);
        return $response;

    public function setColor($sColor)
        $response = new Response();
        $response->assign('div2', 'style.color', $sColor);
        return $response;

$jaxon = jaxon();
$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_OBJECT, new HelloWorld());

After the object is registered, all its public methods are available in a javascript class named JaxonHelloWorld. The prefix Jaxon can be changed using the core.prefix.class configuration option.

Here is an example of HTML code that calls methods of the PHP class exported with Jaxon.

<input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="JaxonHelloWorld.sayHello(0)" />
<input type="button" value="Set Color" onclick="JaxonHelloWorld.setColor('red')" />

Registering a function

A function is registered with Jaxon by calling the register() function with the Jaxon::USER_FUNCTION parameter.

use Jaxon\Jaxon;
use Jaxon\Response\Response;

function hello_world($isCaps)
    $response = new Response();
    $text = ($isCaps) ? 'HELLO WORLD!' : 'Hello World!';
    $response->assign('div2', 'innerHTML', $text);
    return $response;

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::USER_FUNCTION, "hello_world");

After it is registered, the function can be called from javascript with the name jaxon_hello_world(). The prefix jaxon_ can be changed using the core.prefix.function configuration option.

Here is an example of HTML code that calls the PHP function registered with Jaxon.

<input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="jaxon_hello_world(0)" />

A method of a class can also be exported as a function. In this case, the second parameter of the function register() must be an array, as in the following example.

use Jaxon\Jaxon;
use Jaxon\Response\Response;

class HelloWorld
    public function sayHello($isCaps)
        $response = new Response();
        $text = ($isCaps) ? 'HELLO WORLD!' : 'Hello World!';
        $response->assign('div2', 'innerHTML', $text);
        return $response;

$hello = new HelloWorld;
$jaxon->register(Jaxon::USER_FUNCTION, array("hello_world", $hello, "sayHello"));
<input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="jaxon_hello_world(0)" />

If the array contains two elements, the corresponding javascript function will have the same name as the method.

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::USER_FUNCTION, array($hello, "sayHello"));
<input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="jaxon_sayHello(0)" />

Setting options on Jaxon requests

Additional options can be passed to classes when they are registered, and included in generated javascript functions. They allow to change the behavior of Jaxon requests, without changing the way they are called.

In practice, these options are included into the javascript functions generated by Jaxon.

// Classes options
$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_OBJECT, new HelloWorld(), [
    'setColor' => [
        'name' => "'value'"
    '*' => [
        'name' => "'value'"
// Functions options
$jaxon->register(Jaxon::USER_FUNCTION, "hello_world", [
    'name' => "'value'"

The options are defined in an array whose indexes are their names. Note that when defining an option of type string, quotes are included in its value.

For classes, each option group is indexed by the name of the method they apply to, or by * if the options apply to all methods.

For example, the mode option indicates whether the Jaxon requests are asynchronous or not.

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_OBJECT, new HelloWorld(), [
    'setColor' => [
        'mode' => "'synchronous'"
    '*' => [
        'mode' => "'asynchronous'"

Here's the generated javascript code.

JaxonHelloWorld.sayHello = function() {
    return jaxon.request(
        { jxncls: 'HelloWorld', jxnmthd: 'sayHello' },
        { parameters: arguments, mode: 'asynchronous' }
JaxonHelloWorld.setColor = function() {
    return jaxon.request(
        { jxncls: 'HelloWorld', jxnmthd: 'setColor' },
        { parameters: arguments, mode: 'synchronous' }