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The views

Armada provides a simple and unique API to render views, which can be used with various template engines.

The installation

In order to be able to render views with a given template engine, the corresponding package must first be installed. Packages currently exist for 6 template engines.

  • Twig Its identifier is twig.
  • Smarty Its identifier is smarty.
  • Blade Its identifier is blade.
  • Dwoo Its identifier is dwoo.
  • Latte Its identifier is latte.
  • RainTpl Its identifier is raintpl.

Many of them can be used simultaneously in the same Armada application.

The configuration

The app.views section of the Armada configuration contains an array of directories where the views are found. Each entry of the array defines a directory, with the following informations:

  • directory : the full path of the directory.
  • extension : the extension of the view files in the directory.
  • renderer : the identifier of the template engine to be used to render the views in this directory.
  • register : optional, tells if the directory shall be registered in the template engine, true by default.

The key of each entry of the array is a unique identifier, which will be used when rendering a view to get the directory where to find the corresponding file.

The rendering

The following configuration defines the directory /path/to/users/views, containing Smarty templates.

    'app' => array(
        'views' => array(
            'users' => array(
                'directory' => '/path/to/users/views',
                'extension' => '.tpl',
                'renderer' => 'smarty',

The following call renders the template in the file /path/to/users/views/path/to/view.tpl with the Smarty engine.

    $html = $this->view()->render('users::path/to/view');

If a default namespace is added in the configuration, then the identifier can be omitted in the call.

    'app' => array(
        'views' => array(
            'users' => array(
                'directory' => '/path/to/users/views',
                'extension' => '.tpl',
                'renderer' => 'smarty',
        'options' => array(
            'views' => array(
                'default' => 'users',
    $html = $this->view()->render('path/to/view');

The variables

The following functions insert variables into views.

The share() function makes a variable available in all views.

    $this->view()->share('count', 5);

The set() function makes a variable available in the next view to be rendered. It can be chained with the render() function.

    $this->view()->set('count', 5)->set('current', 1)->render('path/to/view');

The with() function adds a variable to the view returned by the render() function.

    $this->view()->render('path/to/view')->with('count', 5)->with('current', 1);

Variables can also be inserted into a view by passing an array as second parameter to the render() function.

    $this->view()->render('path/to/view', array('count' => 5, 'current' => 1));

Adding a template engine

Adding a template engine to Armada is done by creating a class that implements the Jaxon\Sentry\Interfaces\View interface, which is defined in the jaxon-sentry package.

interface View
     * Add a namespace to the view renderer
     * @param string        $sNamespace         The namespace name
     * @param string        $sDirectory         The namespace directory
     * @param string        $sExtension         The extension to append to template names
     * @return void
    public function addNamespace($sNamespace, $sDirectory, $sExtension = '');

     * Render a view
     * @param Store         $store        A store populated with the view data
     * @return string        The string representation of the view
    public function render(\Jaxon\Sentry\View\Store $store);

The addNamespace() method is called for each directory associated with the template engine in the configuration. The render() method returns the HTML code of a given view. It takes as a parameter an object of class \Jaxon\Sentry\View\Store, which contains the view data.

After the class is defined, it must be registered with Armada using the following call.

jaxon()->armada()->addViewRenderer($myViewId, function(){
    return new View();

The $myViewId parameter is the identifier which will be later set as value of the renderer option in the configuration.