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Javascript Callbacks

Jaxon also allows the developer to specify javascripy callbacks that will be called at different steps during the execution of the request in the browser.

The callback object

A javascript callback is an object containing functions with predefined names, depending on when they are called during the request execution.

app.callback.example = {
        onInitialize: function() {
        onProcessParams: function() {
        onPrepare: function() {
        onRequest: function() {
        onResponseDelay: function() {
        onExpiration: function() {
        beforeResponseProcessing: function() {
        onFailure: function() {
        onRedirect: function() {
        onSuccess: function() {
        onComplete: function() {

After it is defined, the callback must be associated to one or more Jaxon requests.

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_DIR, '/the/class/dir', [
    'namespace' => 'Ns',
    'classes' => [
        \Ns\App\FirstClass::class => [
            'functions' => [
                '*' => [
                    'callback' => "app.callback.example"

The javascript callbacks can also be defined in the configuration file or using annotations.

Here's the generated javascript code.

Ns.App.FirstClass = {};
Ns.App.FirstClass.myMethod = function() {
    return jaxon.request(
        { jxncls: 'Ns.App.FirstClass', jxnmthd: 'myMethod' },
        { parameters: arguments, callback: app.callback.example }

The callback functions

The functions in a callback object are called when an Ajax request is sent to one of the classes it is associated to.

The onInitialize callback

Called before the request object is initialized. Defined in version 4.0 of the library.

The onProcessParams callback

Called before the request parameters are processed. Defined in version 4.0 of the library.

The onPrepare callback

Called when a request is ready to be submitted.

The onRequest callback

Called just before the request is actually submitted.

The onResponseDelay callback

Called if the response delay set in the config expired before the response is received.

The onExpiration callback

Called if the expiration delay set in the config expired before the response is received.

The beforeResponseProcessing callback

Called when the response is received, and before it is processed.

The onSuccess callback

Called when the HTTP response status code indicates a success.

The onRedirect callback

Called when the HTTP response status code indicates a redirection.

The onFailure callback

Called when the HTTP response status code indicates a failure.

The onComplete callback

Called when the response processing request has completed, whether successfully or not.