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Data bags

Data bags are data sets that are stored on client side, and made available on demand in Jaxon classes. They are convenient for data that must be available allover the application, but are only used occasionnally.

Each data bag has an identifier which must be unique throughout the application, and each of its data is stored under a key which must be unique throughout the data bag.


A data bag is created by storing a first value in it, in a method of a Jaxon class.

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass
    public function doThat()
        $this->bag('bag_key')->set('value_key', $value);

        return $this->response;

The data bag will then be sent in the Jaxon response, and stored in the application on client side.


Before the data in a data bag can be read in a method of a Jaxon class, the library must be explicitly configured to embed its content in the requests to that method.

This is done when registering a class or a directory, or in the configuration file.

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_DIR, '/the/dir/path', [
    'namespace' => 'Ns',
    'classes' => [
        \Ns\App\FirstClass::class => [
            'functions' => [
                '*' => [
                    'bags' => ["'bag_key'"]
        \Ns\App\SecondClass::class => [
            'functions' => [
                'doThat' => [
                    'bags' => ["'bag_key'"]
    'app' => [
        'directories' => [
            '/the/dir/path' => [
                'namespace' => 'Ns',
                // 'autoload' => true,
                // 'separator' => '.',
                // 'protected' => [],
                'classes' => [
                    \Ns\App\FirstClass::class => [
                        'functions' => [
                            '*' => [
                                'bags' => ["'bag_key'"]
                    \Ns\App\SecondClass::class => [
                        'functions' => [
                            'doThat' => [
                                'bags' => ["'bag_key'"]

With either of the above settings, the bag_key data bag will be passed in the requests to all methods of the \Ns\App\FirstClass class, and in the requests to the doThat() method of the \Ns\App\SecondClass class.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

class SecondClass extends CallableClass
    public function doThat()
        $bagValue = $this->bag('bag_key')->get('value_key');
        // ...
        return $this->response;


Data bags can also be configured using the @databag annotation.

If the annotation is defined on a Jaxon class, then all its methods will receive the data bag.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

 * @databag bag_key
class FirstClass extends CallableClass
    public function doThat()
        $bagValue = $this->bag('bag_key')->get('value_key');
        // ...
        return $this->response;

If the annotation is defined on some methods, then only these methods will receive the data bag.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

class SecondClass extends CallableClass
     * @databag bag_key
    public function doThat()
        $bagValue = $this->bag('bag_key')->get('value_key');
        // ...
        return $this->response;