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The Jaxon library can bootstrap from a single configuration file, which defines all the inputs the library needs in order to operate: functions, classes, views, and config options.

// Configuration

The configuration file has two main sections, identified with the app andlib keywords.

The lib section contains the configuration options of the library, and its plugins.

The app section contains the configuration options of the functions, classes and views.

Les fonctions

The app.functions section of the configuration contains an array of functions to be registered.

Here's an example.

    'app' => [
        'functions' => [

Options can be set on functions.

    'app' => [
        'functions' => [
            'hello_world' => [
                'mode' => "'asynchronous'",

The classes

The app.classes section of the configuration contains an array of classes to be registered.

Here's an example.

    'app' => [
        'classes' => [

Options can be set on class methods.

    'app' => [
        'classes' => [
            'HelloWorld' => [
                'setColor' => [
                    'mode' => "'synchronous'"
                '*' => [
                    'mode' => "'asynchronous'"

The directories

The app.directories section of the configuration contains an array of directories where the classes to be registered are found. Each entry of the array represents a directory, defined with its full path and the following informations:

  • namespace : optional, the associated namespace.
  • autoload : optional, boolean, if true (default), the classes in the directory are autoloaded.
  • separator : optional, the separator to be used in javascript class names, can be . (by default) or _.
  • protected : optional, an array of methods that are not to be exported in javascript classes, empty by default.

Here's an example.

    'app' => [
        'directories' => [
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes' => [
                'namespace' => '\\Jaxon\\App',
                // 'autoload' => true,
                // 'separator' => '.',
                // 'protected' => [],

Options can be set on class methods.

    'app' => [
        'directories' => [
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes' => [
                'namespace' => '\\Jaxon\\App',
                // 'autoload' => true,
                // 'separator' => '.',
                // 'protected' => [],
                \Jaxon\App\Test\Bts::class => [
                    '*' => [
                        'mode' => "'asynchronous'",

The views

The app.views section of the Armada configuration contains an array of directories where the views are found. Each entry of the array defines a directory, with the following informations:

  • directory : the full path of the directory.
  • extension : the extension of the view files in the directory.
  • renderer : the identifier of the template engine to be used to render the views in this directory.

The key of each entry of the array is a unique identifier, which will be used when rendering a view to get the directory where to find the corresponding file.

The following configuration defines the directory /path/to/users/views, containing Smarty templates.

    'app' => [
        'views' => [
            'users' => [
                'directory' => '/path/to/users/views',
                'extension' => '.tpl',
                'renderer' => 'smarty',

The following call renders the template in the file /path/to/users/views/path/to/view.tpl with the Smarty engine.

    $html = jaxon()->view()->render('users::path/to/view');

If a default namespace is set in the configuration, then the identifier can be omitted in the call.

    'app' => [
        'views' => [
            'users' => [
                'directory' => '/path/to/users/views',
                'extension' => '.tpl',
                'renderer' => 'smarty',
        'options' => [
            'views' => [
                'default' => 'users',
    $html = jaxon()->view()->render('path/to/view');

The pagination view

With Armada, the pagination links can be printed using any template engine (see the views documentation). In order to customize the pagination, create all the required templates in a directory, and then change the views configuration accordingly.

        'views' => [
            'pagination' => [
                'directory' => '/path/to/the/directory',
                'extension' => '.tpl',
                'renderer' => 'smarty',

For example, this is the content of the /path/to/the/directory/wrapper.tpl, which is a Smarty template.

{if !empty($prev)}
{if !empty($next)}